Warhawk Wiki

The CB-4 Combined Effect Cluster Munition is a devastating, altitude-triggered, anti-ground weapon that delivers a payload of 25 high-explosive bomblets. The explosive charge in each bomblet rivals that found in the warheads of the AAS-21 Swarm Missile System. The CB-4 is equally effective against armored units as it is against ground troops.


Gives 1 ammo up to a maximum of 2.

The Weapon[]

The weapon is deployed from from your plane's belly.

Falls down and splits into a 25 bomblets


It is a anti-ground weapon to use against Soldiers, Tanks, Bases.

Fun Stuff[]

You can air-bomb warhawks and you can blow up a person with the flag in CTF Mode

Tips on Using[]

Also check the tips on the warhawk page

  • Kill people in towers - If your enemy is hiding out in a small stone tower, like the ones in Island Outpost, you can drop a Cluster Bomb through the roof. Simply collect a cluster bomb and position your aircraft over the roof, making sure the belly of the plane is actually on it (you will have to get rid of any turrets that are on top of the tower) and release the cluster bomb. This should actually go through the roof and explode on the inside of the tower.